0800 952 4874 = O2 Outbound Callcentre

Whose number is 0800 952 4874? 0800 952 4874 is a phone number belonging to an O2 outbound callcentre which is sometimes tasked with sales offers, such as long term contracts for iPads, and sometimes

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0800 183 6408 = Virgin Media Sales Team

Whose number is 0800 183 6408? Calls from 0800 183 6408 belong to the Virgin Media Sales Team – they’re either trying to get you to upgrade, review your subscription, or return after you’ve recently

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0800 783 0111 = Sky Outbound Retentions Team

Whose number is 0800 783 0111? If you’ve been getting calls from 0800 783 0111 and have wondered who’s calling, relax, it’s only Sky, probably because you’ve recently left them or are attempting to leave

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